Norcott Technologies - electronic design and assembly
Norcott Technologies

Electronic Design & Manufacturing

+44 (0)151 4224020

Norcott Technologies | IT Infrastructure Upgrade

IT Infrastructure Upgrade

Norcott invests in major IT Server Infrastructure Upgrade

Norcott is about to upgrade its internal network infrastructure.  This is aimed at providing a more resilient system in the event of a failure and to facilitate a complete and fully tested Disaster Recovery Plan.  The new system will make partial use of virtualisation aimed at making more efficient usage of hardware providing the opportunity of optimising and rationalising on the amount physical devices.

The project is due to start later this month and will take a couple of months to complete – there will be no disruption to internal users or Customers.  Once complete, regular Disaster Recovery simulations will be performed to ensure our systems can cope with significant component failure.


Norcott - Electronic Design & Manufacturing

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