Slipstream 10
I’d like to take this opportunity to introduce you to our new service Slipstream 10
If you already use Norcott, you will have experience of our commitment to service and quality.
So we thought, why not take this to another level, by introducing a stand-alone service that will help our customers get their product to market as quickly as possible.
The aim was to create…”the path of least resistance” for our build process.
The idea is we keep things slick by streamlining our processes and running activities concurrently to reduce critical timescales across the whole business.
In essence, Slipstream 10 provides a quick quote response, concurrent procurement and engineering followed by a rapid build – in addition we will provide a DFM (design for manufacture) report on the build free of charge.
Combined with a modern well equipped manufacturing facility, flexible planning system and dedicated capacity, enables us to provide a seamless low friction service.
Please take a look at the attached details and if you like what you see, why not let us to quote using our Slipstream 10 service.
Let us keep you in front.
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Russ Magee
Sales Director